Brochure Mockup, Folded View, by Christine G. Adamo of

1,000 Words? Pics of Recent Projects

freelance writers, freelancing, Graphic Design, Illustrator, InDesign, layout & design, Photoshop, professional writers, proofreading, revisions, Uncategorized, writers, writing, writing advice

1,000 Words? Pics of Recent Projects

by Christine G. Adamo

Is a picture really worth 1,000 words? You be the judge!

The images included here form a gallery you can peruse at your leisure. These pics and the projects they’re related are discussed in greater detail in individual Write Revise Edit blog posts here at WordPress. If you like what you see, let us know! If you wanna see more? Follow our blog.

If I could just sell my work at a rate of $1,000/word (or image) I’d be set!

A girl can dream, can’t she?


Brochure Mockup, Exterior Panels, by Christine G. Adamo of

You’re Invited! Brochure Design

freelancing, Graphic Design, InDesign, layout & design, Photoshop, Uncategorized, writers, writing

You’re Invited! Brochure Design

by Christine G. Adamo

Not sure how to design a brochure? Let InDesign make it easier on you.

I recently embarked on a mock brochure design project. My goal was to highlight the Design for Social Innovation MFA program offered at the School of Visual Arts’ NYC campus. The essential data and basic stats were available on the SVA website. They also had an existing logo, which appears in print/online.

What was more challenging was finding a way to make that info inviting.


PROJ 4 (2)

EXTERIOR: A mock brochure designed to promote SVA’s Design for Social Innovation MFA program in NYC. (Created by WRE’s Christine G. Adamo using Adobe InDesign and Photoshop)


Let me confess something here and now: I’m sometimes afraid of color.

I wear a lot of black, brown and grey. I also use color sparingly in my designs for fear that it might scare people away. This project definitely pushed the envelope. Pun intended. And that’s a good thing! I wanted this to be easy to mail (I’m fairly pragmatic) and wanted to leverage SVA’s existing art in a way I hadn’t seen yet.


PROJ 4 (1)

INTERIOR: Essential info needed to appear on the inside panels of this mock brochure, which is why I opted not to cut the outside panel at an angle. (Created by WRE’s Christine G. Adamo using Adobe InDesign and Photoshop)


The results came about using Adobe InDesign, which only sounds scary.

Most of Adobe’s design products (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.) are intimidating to ease into. Their controls and tools don’t behave in what I’d consider to be intuitive ways. Not on the surface, anyhow. Once you get past some of the peculiarities, however, those things do elevate your resulting designs.


FOLD OVERS: On one hand? We have the L inside panel alongside the R outside panel. On the other? The L outside panel alongside the R inside, as if it’s folded over. (Created by WRE’s Christine G. Adamo using Adobe InDesign and Photoshop)


Ultimately? Something like this should appeal to both students and parents.

I mean, let’s face it. Someone pursuing this degree program will need a lot of financing. More often than not? Mom and dad are gonna have to get involved in making the decision and say “Yay” or “Nay.” If SVA were my client, I’m certain they’d want a brochure that’s as broadly appealing as possible. And colorful!

What about you? Would this brochure make you want to know more?

You’re invited. Tell me why. Or why not!


Christine G. Adamo | Owner, Lead Writer & Designer |

Three Logomark Designs, and alternate treatment for use on a shopping bag, by Christine G. Adamo of

In Logo Design? Flexibility Is Key

freelancing, Graphic Design, Illustrator, layout & design, Photoshop, Uncategorized, writers, writing

In Logo Design? Flexibility Is Key

by Christine G. Adamo

Like gymnasts, when it comes to logo design, flexibility is key.

Don’t believe me? Consider the most recent logo you either interacted with, designed or were subjected to. Starbucks. HP. Apple. Get the picture? I even bet that, if you take a quick peek around the space you’re working in now, you can quickly spot a logo or two nearby. Go ahead. Take a gander. I’ll wait.

Back so soon? I’m not surprised. Logos are everywhere!

A trio of WRE logomark mockups, which show the types of variations you can shoot for in your own designs. (Created by WRE’s Christine G. Adamo using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop)


Their plentitude is what makes them so beautiful. (Yes, I said it.)

We may not like being confronted with logos and other variations on the marketing tools businesses use to grab our attention. Yet, they do grab our attention. They also help us make sense of the bigger picture, projecting an iconic image we recognize whether we’re on our home turf or not. Think golden arches in Leningrad.

And when you’re working for other people who need to stand out from the crowd, well, I’m pretty sure they’ll insist on getting an end product that’s in concert with their own brand, values, customer needs and marketing strategies. Which begs the question: If you’re not hoping to deliver on that, why read this post?

Maybe you’re a business owner. Or the competition. (Hey, it’s possible!)

EX 5 - Logos & Shopping Bag

Bag it, indeed! Flexible logo design gives you myriad opportunities to showcase your client’s talents and convey their message in new and unexpected ways. (Created by WRE’s Christine G. Adamo using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop)


All I’m saying is: Why design a logo that has limited potential?

More importantly why persist in viewing it as a static design that offers no further possibility for improvement or alternate use? Each of us sometimes gets stuck in a rut, but that doesn’t have to be the norm. Dare to design outside the box, outside the confines of existing design and beyond your current worldview.

If you do, you just might land on an idea that turns things on their head.

And bag a slew of better clients!


Christine G. Adamo | Owner, Lead Writer & Designer |


Are You an Unlikely Writer? Take Our (5) Question Quiz Today!

freelance writers, freelancing, Graphic Design, Illustrator, layout & design, Photoshop, professional writers, proofreading, quizzes, revisions, Uncategorized, writers, writing, writing advice, writing quizzes

Are you an Unlikely Writer?

You just may be an Unlikely Writer and not know it…

Professional writers who are honest with themselves admit that there are many among them whose work sometimes pales in comparison to that of novices. That is, the work of the Unlikely Writer whose ability to craft compelling prose comes from within and has no basis in formal training, education or experience.

As a professional freelance writer for of 10+ years, I take pride in clients whose skill level rivals mine. Reading, editing and proofreading their work is immensely rewarding – ’cause what I do is fine tune and streamline their speech. But the grand ideas are theirs. And I love being exposed to their unique viewpoints.

Are you one of them? A closeted wordsmith with unsung skills? Let’s find out!

Answer “YES” or “NO” to the following questions:

1.) ADVICE MAGNET: While you sometimes question your own ability to write well, do others seek out your opinion and ask you for writing advice?

2.) AT YOUR LEISURE: Do you gravitate toward activities that include reading and writing blogs, highly personalized e-mails, letters, Thank You cards, etc.?

3.) CONTENT MATTERS: When picking out greeting cards, do you spend a lot of time focusing on content or even waffle between options looking for ones which truly resonate with you?

4.) FOCUS ON CLARITY: Along the same lines as #3, when sending greeting cards are you compelled to add text that makes your feelings or wishes that much clearer to the receiver?

5.) OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: Do you jump at the chance to write anything you can on behalf of your boss, friends, family or community group – eager to flex your writing muscles any way you can?

SCORING: Give yourself a writerly pat on the back for every YES answer.

Developing writing skills with technical training can increase your confidence. It’s also a big part of learning to prepare your work for publication. But, every YES answer above puts you one step closer to being ahead of the competition. And you deserve to celebrate the writing tendencies you’ve cultivated on your own.

As needed, seek out the help of professionals who recognize your skills and want to keep your “voice” in tact while polishing up what it is you pass along for their review. But know that there’s an audience for every writer. And there’s a set of unique perspectives which everyone brings to the table. In short?

Reward the Unlikely Writer in you with the praise you obviously deserve!