Three Logomark Designs, and alternate treatment for use on a shopping bag, by Christine G. Adamo of

In Logo Design? Flexibility Is Key

freelancing, Graphic Design, Illustrator, layout & design, Photoshop, Uncategorized, writers, writing

In Logo Design? Flexibility Is Key

by Christine G. Adamo

Like gymnasts, when it comes to logo design, flexibility is key.

Don’t believe me? Consider the most recent logo you either interacted with, designed or were subjected to. Starbucks. HP. Apple. Get the picture? I even bet that, if you take a quick peek around the space you’re working in now, you can quickly spot a logo or two nearby. Go ahead. Take a gander. I’ll wait.

Back so soon? I’m not surprised. Logos are everywhere!

A trio of WRE logomark mockups, which show the types of variations you can shoot for in your own designs. (Created by WRE’s Christine G. Adamo using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop)


Their plentitude is what makes them so beautiful. (Yes, I said it.)

We may not like being confronted with logos and other variations on the marketing tools businesses use to grab our attention. Yet, they do grab our attention. They also help us make sense of the bigger picture, projecting an iconic image we recognize whether we’re on our home turf or not. Think golden arches in Leningrad.

And when you’re working for other people who need to stand out from the crowd, well, I’m pretty sure they’ll insist on getting an end product that’s in concert with their own brand, values, customer needs and marketing strategies. Which begs the question: If you’re not hoping to deliver on that, why read this post?

Maybe you’re a business owner. Or the competition. (Hey, it’s possible!)

EX 5 - Logos & Shopping Bag

Bag it, indeed! Flexible logo design gives you myriad opportunities to showcase your client’s talents and convey their message in new and unexpected ways. (Created by WRE’s Christine G. Adamo using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop)


All I’m saying is: Why design a logo that has limited potential?

More importantly why persist in viewing it as a static design that offers no further possibility for improvement or alternate use? Each of us sometimes gets stuck in a rut, but that doesn’t have to be the norm. Dare to design outside the box, outside the confines of existing design and beyond your current worldview.

If you do, you just might land on an idea that turns things on their head.

And bag a slew of better clients!


Christine G. Adamo | Owner, Lead Writer & Designer |